18 February 2009

DHC Acne Whitening Gel

Import from Japan
Net Weight: 35ml/ 60ml
S$25.90/ S$29.90
Item Code: DHC-AWG-35/ DHC-AWG-60

For healthy, glowing skin you just can't go past this gel from DHC.This gel solution not only helps to clear acne, but it also helps to remove any discolouration or blemishes caused by acne. Furthermore, it also helps prevent acne from occurring. Apart from its ability to help fight acne, this product is wonderful simply as a whitening moisturiser. Gentle on your skin, it will help to lift your skin tone - very popular among women throughout all Japan!

Take an small amount of gel into the palm of your hand (approximately the size of a coffee bean) and gently massage into your skin. For areas with heavy acne or areas that you are concerned about, apply a tiny bit extra and massage more thoroughly. Test on a small area of skin first. If you have an adverse reaction to the cream, stop using immediately. For external use only.

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